TORONTO- The Progressive Conservative Party is hosting a media event this morning.
The Ontario PCs have a turnaround plan that will balance the budget in two years, boosting confidence in our economy and bringing jobs back to Ontario, said PC Leader Tim Hudak today, as he was joined by Barrie candidate Rod Jackson.
“Our government is growing bigger than we can afford.” said Hudak during a breakfast town hall. “We’re spending more and more with money we don’t have, and piling up enormous debt. That’s why our Million Jobs Plan takes immediate and decisive action to balance the budget by 2016.”
Hudak noted that under the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals, Ontario’s debt doubled.
“The more the government spends, the longer we will stay in this economic rut and the more jobs we will lose,” the PC Leader said.
“Our Million Jobs Plan will balance the budget by 2016, by taking decisive action, including:
· An across-the-board wage freeze for every government worker, including MPPs;
· Shrink the size of cabinet from 27 to 16 Ministers;
· Lowering spending in every area of government but health care;
· Reducing the number of government employees by 100,000, and;
· Encourage better service through competition.
“The other leaders are more concerned about their popularity and keeping their jobs than doing what’s required to create jobs,” said Hudak. “I’m here to say enough is enough. Reining in overspending and balancing the budget is critical to my million jobs mission.”