THUNDER BAY – Candidate’s Ledger – Over the last month, there has been much talk about whether or not the city should put a question on the ballot on the proposed multiplex. I feel, if our city is ever to move forward, the citizens must have a voice on how our money is being invested in our community. I disagree that a plebiscite of this nature is a direct competitor to the elected democratic process. In fact to vote on a candidate based on a single issue is a direct competitor to the elected process. There are so many issues a candidate must decide upon and it would be next to impossible to have anyone totally agree with each of their views.
For some, the issue of a multiplex is the most important issue in the city. There is no doubt, what we as a city decide, will have a significant impact for the future of our city. Then why not have this single issue as a ballot question on this year’s election? Perhaps we may get more involvement, open discussion and interest in this municipal election. A decisive decision either way would eliminate the ambiguity and divisiveness on this issue and unify us in a common direction.
I believe public representatives should be elected to facilitate and inform, not dictate. If a strong mandate came from the public in form of a plebiscite favouring the construction of a multiplex, it should be the duty of all elected representatives to ensure this process is a fiscally responsible and open one, regardless of their personal feelings.
As your councillor, it will be my commitment to listen to all your concerns and collaborate with all citizens to make this a better city for all.
Andy Wolff
Candidate for Councillor, Current River Ward
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