KUALA LUMPUR – International – The search continues for Malaysia Airlines MH370. There remain few results as the search area continues to change and shift to off the Australian coast. The families of passengers and crew have been getting increasingly frustrated over what is seen as a lack of information from Malaysia Airlines.
Chinese nationals have been the most frustrated. At an event Sunday relatives of the missing passengers chanted “Tell us the truth” and are demanding that the Malaysian Prime Minister meet with them and ‘tell them what really happened’.
The apparent loss of the Boeing 777-220 has perplexed searchers as there has yet to be any confirmed sightings of debris that come from the plane. The first weeks of the search were in areas where the aircraft now it appears the plane never was, has helped generate some of that frustration.
As well, there have been many Internet reports that are clearly false but are causing the families pain.

Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Group Chief Executive Officer in a statement today says, “Malaysia Airlines wishes to clarify that it will be making arrangements to fly family members to Perth, only once it has been authoritatively confirmed that the physical wreckage found is that of MH370.
“Arrangements will be made as soon as the relevant government agencies have provided clearances for Malaysia Airlines to bring family members to the site where aircraft wreckage will be kept.”
A Family Assistance Centre (FAC) will be established in Perth. The FAC will become the focal point for all activities that have been planned for the families including briefings, religious and prayer services.
Malaysia Airlines is fully committed to supporting all efforts by the relevant foreign Governments who continue to search for and recover the aircraft, and it continues to cooperate with all authorities involved in the investigation.
发布者:马来西亚航空公司总裁 阿末佐哈里
发布时间:2014年3月30日 下午3点45分
我们将在澳大利亚珀斯成立家属援助中心(Family Assistance Center)。援助中心将集中开展针对失事乘客家属的各项活动,包括每日消息的简报以及宗教祈祷活动。