THUNDER BAY – SPORTS – The Superior International Junior Hockey League (SIJHL) announced Sunday that the opponents for the two upcoming semifinal series are almost set.
By virtue of coming away victorious in the 1 vs. 2 Showdown against the No. 2 Thunder Bay North Stars, the No. 1 Fort Frances Lakers earned the right to choose their semifinal opponent and have opted to go up against the winner of the quarter-final series between the No. 4 English River Miners and the No. 5 Dryden Ice Dogs.
English River currently leads that best-of-seven affair 3-2 heading into game 6 Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. at Dryden Memorial Arena. If required game 7 would go Wednesday in Ear Falls at 7 p.m.
While the Lakers wait to see whether they’ll take on the Miners or Ice Dogs, the league’s other semifinal match-up will feature the No. 2 North Stars taking on the No. 3 Minnesota Iron Rangers.
Both semifinals will be best-of-seven series with Fort Frances and Thunder Bay having home ice for games 1 and 2 and if necessary games 5 and 7.
The game schedule for each semifinal series will be announced once finalized.
1 vs. 2 Showdown
No. 1 Fort Frances Lakers vs. No. 2 Thunder Bay North Stars
Lakers win two-game, total-goal series 6-4
Lakers to choose semifinal opponent
Game 1: Thunder Bay 4 Fort Frances 3
Game 2: Fort Frances 3 Thunder Bay 0
No. 3 Minnesota Iron Rangers vs. No. 6 Wisconsin Wilderness
Minnesota wins best-of-seven series 4-0
Game 1: Minnesota 5 Wisconsin 2
Game 2: Minnesota 4 Wisconsin 3
Game 3: Minnesota 3 Wisconsin 2
Game 4: Minnesota 6 Wisconsin 4
No. 4 English River Miners vs. No. 5 Dryden Ice Dogs
English River leads best-of-seven series 3-2
Game 1: English River 6 Dryden 2
Game 2: Dryden 3 English River 1
Game 3: Dryden 4 English River 2
Game 4: English River 6 Dryden 3
Game 5: English River 7 Dryden 4
Game 6: Monday, March 24 @ Dryden 7:30 p.m. (Memorial Arena)
Game 7*: Wednesday, March 26 @ English River 7 p.m. (Ear Falls Arena)
*-if necessary
Timeline: March 27 – April 9
Series D
No. 1 Fort Frances Lakers vs. No. 4 English River Miners or No. 5 Dryden Ice Dogs
Best-of-seven series
Game 1: @ Fort Frances T.B.A.
Game 2: @ Fort Frances T.B.A.
Game 3: @ English River or Dryden T.B.A.
Game 4: @ English River or Dryden T.B.A.
Game 5*: @ Fort Frances T.B.A.
Game 6*: @ English River or Dryden T.B.A.
Game 7*: @ Fort Frances T.B.A.
*-if necessary
Series E
No. 2 Thunder Bay North Stars vs. No. 3 Minnesota Iron Rangers
Best-of-seven series
Game 1: @ Thunder Bay T.B.A.
Game 2: @ Thunder Bay T.B.A.
Game 3: @ Minnesota T.B.A.
Game 4: @ Minnesota T.B.A.
Game 5*: @ Thunder Bay T.B.A.
Game 6*: @ Minnesota T.B.A.
Game 7*: @ Thunder Bay T.B.A.
*-if necessary