IRS Helping Survivors to Deal with the Process
THUNDER BAY – ABORIGINAL – Larry Henry is with Grand Council for Treaty Three. This weekend, the Intergenerational Residential School is in Thunder Bay at the Lakehead University Native Students Association Building Bridges Pow Wow.
The Pow Wow is just one of the places that the IRS is going lately as they reach out to offer help to Intergenerational Residential School Survivors.
At issue, is that for many people, sharing their stories and remembering their past is causing them grief and suffering too. Healing from years of hidden abuse is not easy.
IRS allows people to get their story on video, and to share in a supportive network as they get help to move forward.
Get Over it?
There are many in society who are asking people to “Get Over It”.
The simple truth is that for many maybe the message is that the people are trying very hard to do just that.
The issue of Canada’s Residential Schools has only started to come out, for many Canadians in recent years. The abuse and treatment process for many of the victims is just starting.
The fact for most Canadians is that this shameful part of Canada’s history remains mostly unknown across much of society.
Healing is starting, and healing will take time.
James Murray