Lakehead University will Echo with the Pow Wow Drums
THUNDER BAY – Starting on Friday night, Lakehead University Native Students Association are hosting the 26th Annual Pow Wow. Building Bridges is the theme of this year’s Pow Wow.
For the third year now, will be providing Live Coverage of the LUNSA Pow Wow.
Pow Wow Details
March 14-16, 2014
Friday, March 14 – 6pm Warm Ups
Saturday, March 15 – 1pm Opening Ceremonies and Grand Entry
7pm Grand Entry
Sunday, March 16 – 12pm Grand Entry
MC: Nathan Moses, Pic River First Nation
Arena Directors: Todd Genno, Pic River First Nation & Jake Achneepineskum, Pays Plat First Nation
Spiritual Advisor: Kalvin Ottertail, Lac La Croix First Nation
Host Drum: Whitefish Bay Singers, Naotkamegwanning First Nation
Grand Entry on Saturday Night at LUNSA Building Bridges