SAULT STE MARIE – Algoma University and the Shingwauk Anishinaabe Students’ Association (SASA) are hosting the 9th Annual Gathering at the Rapids Pow Wow: Honouring Life Long Learning at the George Leach Centre (GLC) at Algoma University on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2, 2014.
“The two-day event is a celebration that highlights Anishinaabe culture through a variety of traditional and contemporary events,” said Margaret Neveau, Anishinaabe Events Coordinator with Algoma University. “The Gathering at the Rapids Pow Wow is an inclusive event that attracts guests of different cultural backgrounds and heritages, who by participating will gain an enhanced understanding and appreciation of Anishinaabe culture, beliefs, and traditions.”
The Grand Entry will be on Saturday, March 1 at 1:00pm and again 7:00pm and on Sunday, March 2 at 12:00pm. There will also be a variety of Anishinaabe craft and traditional food vendors located on site at the George Leach Centre. The master of ceremonies for the weekend-long celebration will be Joel Syrette. Host drum duties will be handled by Crazy Spirit, Mount Pleasant, Minnesota, with co-host drum Bear Creek Singers, who were nominated for a Grammy award.
Algoma U would like to thank the Pow Wow committee members representing SASA, Shingwauk Kinoomaage Gamig, the Métis Nation of Ontario, the Indian Friendship Centre, and the Algoma District and Huron-Superior Catholic District School Boards.