THUNDER BAY – Crime Beat – The Thunder Bay Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are warning of instances of the “Secret Shopper scam”.
OPP report, “The victim in this incident had applied for, and was the successful candidate for a “Secret Shopper” position.
The victim was forwarded a cheque, which was later found to be fraudulen), along with an instruction package and job duties.
The victim was advised to choose three local businesses to conduct her secret shopping. Upon completing this assignment, the victim was advised her next duty was to investigate Western Union security procedures by choosing “two friends” to receive money transfers in a city in the United States. The victim was to deposit two separate money transfers and forward to the location.
The victim was advised the money would not leave Thunder Bay and they would not be out any money.
The victim transferred just over $2000.
The victim later checked with Western Union and was advised the money was indeed forwarded to the city and was picked up by two males claiming to be “the friends”.
The OPP want to warn the public about scams such as this one. The internet provides a great deal of information and may be helpful in uncovering the legitimacy of a company presented.
Also for more information on scams and to report scams, contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center at www.canadianantifraudercenter.ca.