THUNDER BAY – Minister Michael Gravelle speaking in Thunder Bay has announced that the firm Deloitte LLP has been tasked with the responsibility for helping to establish the Ring of Fire Development Corporation.
Deloitte LLP will act as an independent, neutral third party resource for key partners.
Minister Gravelle stated, “I asked you to come here today to update you on the progress of the Ring of Fire Plans”.
“Once this project reaches its full potential, it will enhance the economic prospects for the entire region and province”.
“We will get there, and we have made significant progress,” said Gravelle.
One of the main issues has been creating all season access to the Ring of Fire. Gravelle said the issue is very complicated and that getting it right is critical”.
Strategic infrastructure is key. Discussions with First Nations, and the federal government is ongoing and positive.
“Let me be clear, as the province is building the development corporation, we needed a team that can provide neutral and key resources”.
Deloitte has been brought in to act in the best interests of all the partners in the corporation.
“We have been working very close with the Matawa communities. We have had our lead negotiator and Bob Rae from the Matawa First Nations communities engaged in talks.”
“Community infrastructure and environmental efforts are underway, but it will be up to the Chiefs of the Matawa Communities and their communities that will be respected,” stated Gravelle. “I want to be very clear that it will be the Matawa Chiefs who will be reporting back to us”.
This is key, stated the Minister.
Gravelle is encouraging and inviting the Federal Government to step up. Gravelle commented that he is disappointed that the Ring of Fire was not mentioned in the recent Federal Budget.