Former Mayoral Candidate in Calgary Charged
CALGARY – Two men in downtown Calgary have been carrying signs that have, according to Calgary Police incited hatred and are libellous. As a result of a month long investigation, the Calgary Police Service have charged two men with public incitement of hatred.
The CPS Hate Crimes Co-ordinator has received more than a dozen complaints from citizens regarding two men carrying signage and allegedly publicly inciting hatred in the downtown core.
Milan Papez, who ran for Mayor in Calgary in last October’s civic election, and finished dead last has been reportedly targeting a member of the Chinese community and has been assisted in his efforts by his 53 year old son.
The messages were targeted towards two specific individuals, as well as a specific community within the downtown core.
Charges Laid in Calgary
Milan PAPEZ , 72, of Calgary, has been charged with four counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel.
Milan PAPEZ Jr., 53, has been charged with three counts of public incitement of hatred and one count of defamatory libel.
As defined by the Criminal Code of Canada, Section 319 (1), charges of public incitement of hatred are warranted when by communicating statements in any public place, they incite hatred against any identifiable group when such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace.
The CPS Hate Crimes Co-ordinator position, established in 1996, works within the Diversity Resources Unit to assist all officers with cases involving hate-biased or hate-motivated crimes.
Anyone with information about this case, or any hate-motivated crime or incidents, is asked to call police at 403-266-1234 or Crime Stoppers anonymously using any of the following methods: