United Way in Thunder Bay Needs Your Help
THUNDER BAY – News – The Thunder Bay United Way effort is slower than hoped. $767,789 is left to be raised by December 31 to meet the United Way of Thunder Bay’s much needed community goal of $2.7 Million. That works out to an average of $55,000 for each of the next 14 days. Campaign Chair Walter Flasza shared that thousands of local people are relying on the 64 programs and services funded by United Way, and stressed that it is only through the generosity of people in our community that we are able to address those needs.
Often things as simple as having warm clothing and shoes in the harsh winter climate is something many take for granted. During United Way’s appeal to the public, Community Clothing Assitance President David Andrews was on hand to speak about the importance of United Way funding to his organization. Andrews noted that United Way funding enables CCA to provide homeless and low income people with clothing, shoes, blankets and hygiene items, as well as new socks and underwear for school children. With the snow and wind blowing outside, these items can literally save someone’s life. Your gift to United Way is helping to make that happen.
With only two weeks left in the fundraising campaign Flasza says his team is struggling to reach their target, one that was set to respond to the increasing requests from their 29 funded agencies. “It’s a common misconception that the United Way always meets its goal. The truth is that we can only make the goal, and help all these people in need, if we all step up and give. If not for your generous support these needs will not be met and local people will be without help when they need it most.”
Flasza said. “Your contributions will help to make sure that:
– people living in poverty get warm winter clothes;
– people who are hungry get something to eat;
– victims of abuse find shelter and safety;
– kids in tough situations get mentoring and counselling;
– families facing illness or loss, get support and maybe a shoulder lean on;
– people in crisis get emergency aid;
– and the list goes on and on.”
Our community has always prided itself on making sure we take care of our own. Your gift is helping thousands of local people to end 2013 on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright new year. United Way expressed thanks to those who have already given and urged those who had not yet contributed to make their gift now.
Your can contribute by:
In person at the United Way office at 1006-715 Hewitson Street (side door), by mail, calling 626-1750 or going online at www.unitedway-tba.on.ca. Holiday hours can be found on their website.