“It was very apparent right off the hop that it was worthwhile being there and we have already committed to coming back next year,” said Taras Manzies, owner of the Lake of the Woods Brewing Company
Small Business Success at Royal Agricultural Fair
Toronto, ON – Business – “Our Government is celebrating the success of small businesses in Northern Ontario by providing them with opportunities, like the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, to grow and expand. It is businesses like these that continue to provide a stable economic foundation for growth across the North.” concluded MP Rickford.
Minister Greg Rickford, MP-Kenora welcomed the largest group of Northern Ontario businesses to ever attend the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Starting November 1, the 10-day fair saw more than 55 agricultural and equine businesses and organizations participate in a 6,500 square-foot, FedNor-sponsored exhibit.
[sws_pullquote_right] Minister Greg Rickford, MP-Kenora welcomed the largest group of Northern Ontario businesses to ever attend the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Starting November 1, the 10-day fair saw more than 55 agricultural and equine businesses and organizations participate in a 6,500 square-foot, FedNor-sponsored exhibit. [/sws_pullquote_right] “The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair has provided an excellent opportunity for Northern Ontario businesses, like the Lake of the Woods Brewing Company, a relatively new business in Kenora, to showcase their product and make a name for themselves. For more established businesses, like Hagen Dressing, based out of Dryden, this is a great venue to expand,” stated MP Rickford, “More importantly, however, this exhibit has shown the participants and over 350,000 visitors of the largest indoor agricultural expo in Canada that these small businesses are the backbone of a strong Northern Ontario economy.”
“It was very apparent right off the hop that it was worthwhile being there and we have already committed to coming back next year,” said Taras Manzies, owner of the Lake of the Woods Brewing Company, “The people that we met and worked with here at the fair were invaluable for moving the business forward and I would even go so far as to say reducing business development time based on the people we met and the connections that we made.”
Earlier this month, the Government of Canada announced an investment of $374, 346 in the NECO Community Futures Development Corporation to support the Northern Ontario Pavilion at the 92nd annual Royal Winter Agricultural Fair.
For a complete list of 2013 exhibitors at the Northern Ontario Agri-Food Pavilion, or to learn more about FedNor’s programs, visit www.fednor.gc.ca or follow us on Twitter: @FedNor.