Breast Cancer Care at TBRHSF
THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – By definition, a ‘Rosie’ was a woman who took on what was traditionally a man’s role during World War II. Celebrating these resourceful, strong and talented women is a new 2014 ‘Rosies for Hope’ calendar that’s now on sale, with all proceeds going to the Linda Buchan Centre for Breast Screening and Assessment at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.
Calendar co-ordinators Kelli Carr and Lory Porter, both from Bombardier were inspired to do the project approximately a year ago and, with assistance from the Community Events Committee at Bombardier, they gathered a multitude of women, all from Bombardier, to pose in the calendar.
“Breast cancer affects so many of us so we decided that we wanted to direct the funds to advance care in that specific area,” said Carr. “I’m fortunate that my mother, who had breast cancer approximately ten years ago, is still here and we want to ensure that others going through a similar journey have access to the best diagnostic and assessment equipment available to find cancer early, at its most treatable stage.”
“Our past Vice President, René Lalande, who was on board when we began this project was very supportive and we’re grateful that our current Vice President, Aaron Rivers, has continued to back our efforts with this calendar,” remarked Porter. “It’s been a real team building exercise for us and a lot of fun!”
The coordinators wish to thank the sponsors who made the calendar possible including: Intercity Industrial, Harbourview Optometry Centre, Curry’s Copy Shop Inc., Niva’s Restaurant, Winmar, Dingwell’s North America, Pelletier’s Powder Coating, Prezio Electric, Safeguard, Greg Malo Photography, COPE SEPB Local 81, Cardinal Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc., Sportop, South Neebing Variety, Unifor, Thermal Building Automation, Thermal Mechanical Systems, Bombardier, and Kone Cranes Canada Inc.
Calendars are available at a cost of $10 each and may be purchased at the Health Sciences Foundation Donation Centre in the Health Sciences Centre, next to Robin’s Donuts, as well as at other local venues.