Un-dead Autumn: Zombie’s on the Moose River

Milan Hookimaw was choosen 'top un-dead" and won the Dr. Dre Beats Speaker
Milan Hookimaw was choosen 'top un-dead" and won the Dr. Dre Beats Speaker
Milan Hookimaw was choosen 'top un-dead" and won the Dr. Dre Beats Speaker
Milan Hookimaw was choosen ‘top un-dead” and won the Dr. Dre Beats Speaker

Moose Cree first annual Zombie Walk 

MOOSE FACTORY – As winter’s first snowflakes dusted Moose River gravestones on the last weekend of October the un-dead rose and walked again. Well, not really, but Moosonee and Moose Factory hosted their first ever Zombie Walks. The two-day, two-community event was organized by Dawn Scott and Priscella Rose and the tandem horror parades took place Saturday in Moosonee and Sunday on Moose Factory Island.

“This event was organized without assistance from institutions so we covered all expenses out of our own pockets,” said Rose.  Refreshments, gift certificates, electronics and other prizes were awarded to participants.

AMC's 'The Walking Dead' have nothing on the Moose Cree
AMC’s ‘The Walking Dead’ have nothing on the Moose Cree

In Moosonee the infected gathered at the docks around 3 pm. Like most outbreaks the numbers grew with movement. The original crew led a procession that gained mass with every block it overcame. Many amongst the collected on-lookers were overtaken with fear, surprise and laughter. The Zombified walked a couple of kilometers before turning back to where they began for refreshments and prizes. Dominique Nakogee took the top award in Moosonee , a Beats by Dre Bluetooth speaker.

Organizers of the walk said they were excited by the turn out and to see the follow-up.

The creativity and fun of the Zombie Walk in Moose Factory and Moosenee
The creativity and fun of the Zombie Walk in Moose Factory and Moosenee

Dawn Scott says the island far exceeded her expectations. Droves of Undead congealed with blood and gore roamed the streets, woods and brush of Moose Factory. The mob rushed ambulances, waded through ditches and ignited vocal suspicion from neighbouring dogs. When the march ended, twelve year-old, Milan Hookimaw was awarded a tablet computer as the day’s top ghoul.

The mob rushed ambulances, waded through ditches and ignited vocal suspicion from neighbouring dogs
The mob rushed ambulances, waded through ditches and ignited vocal suspicion from neighbouring dogs

When asked how he felt about the award, Hookimaw replied “Infected.”

Plans have begun for next year’s Zombie walks have begun already. 


Journalists for Human RightsThis story produced with guidance from Danny Kresnyak of Journalists for Human Rights as part of JHR’s Northern Ontario Initiative. 

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