THUNDER BAY – The City of Thunder Bay and the Crime Prevention Council presented the annual award for individuals and groups who are working to make Thunder Bay safer. The issue of crime prevention is one of the more defining issues for Thunder Bay.
Luke Skaarup of Union Gas is the main sponsor of the awards.
There are six Community Safety Awards presented.
Mayor Hobbs stated, “Welcome to the third annual Community Safety Awards”. The Mayor recognized that Thunder Bay is on the traditional groups of the Fort William First Nation.
“Crime prevention is something we take seriously in our community”, shared Hobbs. “Sharing these awards, is an honour”.
“The award winners have made a difference in our city”.
The 2013 Crime Prevention Award recipients are:
Community Hero Award: Derek Khani
Khani is a dedicated community activist who works through music and deep thought to share positive energy and vision. Khani also works with local artists.
Young Leader Award: Allison Lamb
Allison is a young person who volunteers with Victim’s Services. She is a determined young person who tries to make a difference in Thunder Bay. She also works with the Healthy Bodies – Healthy Minds program.
Outstanding Community Project Awards
Roots to Harvest was awarded the first of these three awards presented by Wasaya Airways. Roots to Harvest provides a community garden.
Simpson Street BIA presented Pride Central. Pride Central is based at Lakehead University and supports the Gay, Lesbian, and Two Spirited persons.
The Thunder Bay Police Service presented an award to the Kizhaay Anishinabe Niin, of the Indian Friendship Centre. The “I am a Kind Man” seeks to support young men in traditional ways to respect women. The award was presented by Councillor Joe Virdiramo, the Chair of the Police Services Board.
We stand up
We Stand Up was recognized for making a difference in Thunder Bay by empowering young people.
The videos for each of the recipients were done by Thunder Bay videographer Paul Morralee of Morvision.