Poverty Reduction Focus at City Council
THUNDER BAY – City Council received a report on poverty reduction during the Council Meeting at City Hall tonight. The Lakehead Social Planning Council was reporting to City Council.
12.8 Percent of Thunder Bay Residents
12.8 percent of Thunder Bay are considered to be living in poverty. That would be 15,000 of our residents.
The final report will be available at the Brodie Street Library, the LU Library and at the Lakehead Social Planning Council Office.
Council was told that there are many needs for low income residents. Those needs include affordable housing, infrastructure, recreational support, and stronger approaches to public safety.
Inclusion and engagement is critical, Council was told. “Make racism and discrimination unacceptable in Thunder Bay“.
“You have to give people the chance to ‘step up’ to the first rung of the ladder!”
Promotion of a safer Thunder Bay is another key Council was told. The report endorses the work of the Crime Prevention Council.
Councillor Virdiramo sought input from the LSPC on what Council could do in helping.
Councillor Pugh led in stating that the motion before Council to have Administration prepare a report for Council on the framework for the implementation of the plan. That motion is to have the report before Council by November 25th.
Virdiramo then asked about the four pillars being similar to the Drug Strategy Committee and the Crime Prevention Council’s pillars.
Reduction of poverty has similar requirements according to the LSPC.
Councillor Johnson echoed the compliments raised by Councillor Virdiramo.
Johnson sought input and expansion on the advocacy work proposed in the plan.
“Housing and making sure we can create more housing starts in the community, and gaining that support from the province is a goal,” Council was told.
Councillor Hebert suggested that the Lakehead Social Planning Board should include representation from the North Superior Workforce Planning Board.
Councillor Foulds commented that he will be supporting the plan.