Thunder Bay Youth are Working to Build their Futures
THUNDER BAY – Celebrating the art and enthusiasm of youth at Youth Centres Thunder Bay in the Chapple Building in the downtown Fort William was going full force today.

Celebrating and fundraising efforts at the Youth Centre saw almost $700 raised from the sale of art from youth. The Youth Centre was full this afternoon with young people enjoying art, video games and chilling out.
The Youth Centre in the downtown Fort William Business District is a pilot project with Wasaya Group, the City of Thunder Bay and Youth Centres Thunder Bay. It is funded, at present for only 18 months in total, and is proving a success.
Youth Centres TBay are starting the effort of fund-raising to keep the project going once the pilot project ends. Friday night and today, at the Youth Centre there was a silent auction and art sale.
The Youth Centre provides a fun, safe, clean and secure place where youth can gather. There have been a number of efforts which are on-going in the pilot project to establish the best practices for the centre, that ensure that the youth can enjoy the centre.
President Colleen Peters, says that the goal driven by the youth is to make sure the centre is a refuge from the stresses that the 13-18 year olds can go.
For more information visit Youth Tbay on Facebook.
You can make donations at the Youth Centre located at 711 Victoria Ave. East.