Thunder Bay Cardiovascular Service Growing

Cardiologist, Dr. Frank Nigro, a driving force behind the development of cardiac care in Northwestern Ontario, helped TBRHSC celebrate 25 years of cardiac catheterization services earlier this year.
Cardiologist, Dr. Frank Nigro, a driving force behind the development of cardiac care in Northwestern Ontario, helped TBRHSC celebrate 25 years of cardiac catheterization services earlier this year.
Cardiologist, Dr. Frank Nigro, a driving force behind the development of cardiac care in Northwestern Ontario, helped TBRHSC celebrate 25 years of cardiac catheterization services earlier this year.
Cardiologist, Dr. Frank Nigro, a driving force behind the development of cardiac care in Northwestern Ontario, helped TBRHSC celebrate 25 years of cardiac catheterization services earlier this year.

Thunder Bay Celebrates 25 Years of Cardiovascular Care

THUNDER BAY – Healthbeat – Under the Strategic Direction of Comprehensive Clinical Services, a key goal at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (TBRHSC) has been the development and implementation of a cardiovascular service that includes vascular surgery, cardiac surgery and interventional radiology.

We continue to progress steadily toward the creation of a comprehensive Cardiovascular Surgical Program. A proposal was submitted to the Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for Vascular and Cardiac surgery.

“In order to understand both the challenges our regional partners experience and what our team could provide to improve regional patient care, we continue to build relationships with care providers in the region through team outreach visits and site meetings in facilities in Red Lake, Dryden, and Sioux Lookout,” said Dr. Mark Henderson, Executive Vice President, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management. “Sioux Lookout is of special interest as a major care provider to Aboriginal patients and families as a model to help our team design the cardiovascular program expansion with insight and sensitivity.”

Patient Outcomes:

• access to newly recruited interventional cardiologist

• improved effectiveness of air ambulance transport through collaboration with ORNGE

• newly developed care pathway for patients with addictions and Infective Endocarditis

• patients to benefit from addition of Sioux Lookout as a regional Telestroke Centre

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