City Hall Sounds Like the New Thunder Bay
THUNDER BAY – Editorial – City Hall Sounds kicked off week two with some local rap, amazing food, and an even bigger crowd than last week.
The entire atmosphere at City Hall on Thursdays has become upbeat, positive and engaging. The addition of music, from a variety of local artists is a positive step forward.
Changing Thunder Bay
There are a lot of changes happening in our city. Often many are somewhat under the radar of most. City Hall Sounds is a one month pilot project. It would be positive to see the project expanded and reaching out across the city as well. It could be a positive step for example inside the Victoriaville Centre during the winter as a way of bringing people downtown.

Respect in Thunder Bay

Adding music, arts, and enthusiasm in our city is a fantastic blend that we see down on the Prince Arthur’s Landing at the Waterfront. Often it has seemed that the Tourism Department at City Hall has all of their focus on the Waterfront and the Terry Fox Lookout – Perhaps getting a greater Staycation plan happening, and having ways to share with residents the things we take for granted would add to visitor stays too.

The combination of events is drawing greater numbers of people downtown. That opens the door for the Fort William Downtown Business Improvement Area to step in and have a greater presence and encourage people to say downtown, shop, dine and enjoy.
Merchants in the May and Victoria Street areas have a Facebook page sharing information on their businesses. The downtown Fort William BIA website is also a guide as well.

The job of moving the city forward is going to take partnerships with the city, businesses, the Chamber of Commerce and more. One of the ways to make our city better takes the active engagement of citizens. Increasingly that is happening.
We have to adopt a “Yes” campaign in our city and push forward to success.
City Hall Sounds is showing a way forward. One can hope that the BIA, and the City can boost the area even more!
James Murray