Festa Italiana – Thunder Bay’s Family Reunion

Italian Dancers help kick of Thunder Bay's 'Family Reunion' at the Italian Cultural Centre
Italian Dancers help kick of Thunder Bay's 'Family Reunion' at the Italian Cultural Centre
Italian Dancers help kick of Thunder Bay's 'Family Reunion' at the Italian Cultural Centre
Italian Dancers help kick of Thunder Bay‘s ‘Family Reunion’ at the Italian Cultural Centre

Even if you are not Italian, at Festa in Thunder Bay, you are!

THUNDER BAY – Every year, Festa Italiana just gets better. “It is a big family reunion,” states Italian Cultural Centre President Benny Melchiorre. The 2013 Festa Italiana celebration kicked off today with a press conference at the Italian Cultural Centre on Algoma Street. The Festa attracts about 20,000 visitors over the two day celebration of Italian Culture.

Festa Italiana
The Festa Italiana is lots of work, but lots of fun too.

Festa Italiana starts Sunday August 4th at 1:00PM and goes until Monday night at 11PM. There will be food, dancing, food, wine and beer, and everynight there are fireworks to end the day’s celebration.

World’s First Livestream of Festa Italiana

This is the 23rd year for the Festa. In keeping with the times, this year, Festa will be broadcast online to share Thunder Bay with the world.

To view the Live Internet Webcast: Visit Festa Italiana 2013

Festa Italiana Dolce Vita!

Festa Italiana 2013 Schedule

Sunday August 4th

12:00 p.m. Food Booths & Beer Garden Open

1:30 p.m. Official Opening

2:00 p.m. Alpini Choir

3:00 p.m. John Scaffeo & Friends

4:00 p.m. Talent Show

4:30 p.m. Shayne Stolz

5:00 p.m. Le Stelle Alpine, Traditional Italian Dancers

6:00 p.m. Viva Band

7:45 p.m. Pino Gioia Band (From Italy)

9:45 p.m. Le Stelle Alpine, Traditional Italian Dancers

10:00 p.m. Pino Gioia Band (From Italy)

11:00 p.m. Fireworks – CLOSING

Thursdays and Fridays at the Italian Cultural Centre from 11-2 is an amazing and affordable buffet lunch.
Thursdays and Fridays at the Italian Cultural Centre from 11-2 is an amazing and affordable buffet lunch.

Monday August 5th

12:00 p.m. Food Booths & Beer Garden Open

1:30 p.m. Opening – Catherine Iorianni

1:45 p.m. John Scaffeo & Friends

2:45 p.m. Spaghetti, Watermelon and Jello Eating Contest

3:45 p.m. Fashion Show (The Loops Presents: Festa Di Moda)

4:30 p.m. Shayne Stolz

5:00 p.m. Viva Band

6:45 p.m. Le Stelle Alpine, Traditional Italian Dancers

7:45 p.m. Pino Gioia Band (From Italy)

9:45 p.m. Le Stelle Alpine, Traditional Italian Dancers

10:00 p.m. Draw – Trip to Italy

(Partly Sponsored by Expedia Cruiseship Centres)

& Largest Tomato Awards Prize Presentation

(Sponsored by Canadian Tire)

10:15 p.m. Pino Gioia Band (From Italy)

11:00 p.m. Fireworks – CLOSING

Cari amici e colleghi, come club sociale Italiano-Canadese abbiamo voluto cogliere l’opportunita’ di introdurre noi stessi in occasione della nostra 23 ª edizione di Festa Italiana ed invitare la vostra organizzazione ed i vostri membri ad unirsi a noi il 04-05 Agosto mentre celebriamo la nostra cultura Italiana con il mondo. Per la prima volta la nostra Festa sara’ presentata in video diretta streaming su Internet e chiunque potra’ seguire gli eventi emozionanti attraverso il linkhttps://www.netnewsledger.com/festa-italiana-2013/   Vi invitiamo a seguirci per celebrare il meglio dell’Italia con oltre 20.000 persone che partecipano ogni anno. Con una popolazione di 124.000 persone nel distretto di Thunder Bay, questa è probabilmente una delle piu’ frequentate Festa Italiana ovunque nel mondo. Non possiamo promettervi che sarà come se foste lì presente, ma la vostra esperienza sara’ tanto reale senza assaggiare la cucina tipica delle diverse regioni italiane.

Non esitate a visitare la nostra pagina web all’indirizzo http://www.italiancc.com/  e pagina facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/festaitalianathunderbay  per conoscere la nostra storia orgogliosa, la nostra comunità e di come stiamo aiutando a formare la cultura di una nuova generazione di Italo-Canadesi. 

The Festa Italiana is a two day celebration of Italian Culture in Thunder Bay.
The Festa Italiana is a two day celebration of Italian Culture in Thunder Bay.


Thursdays and Fridays at the Italian Cultural Centre from 11-2 is an amazing and affordable buffet lunch.
Thursdays and Fridays at the Italian Cultural Centre from 11-2 is an amazing and affordable buffet lunch.


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James Murray
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