Camp Quality Northwest Heroes and Princesses

Camp Quality
Camp Quality at the Terry Fox Lookout in Thunder Bay
Camp Quality
Camp Quality at the Terry Fox Lookout in Thunder Bay

THUNDER BAY – Quick decisions had to made Wednesday morning. It was field trip day and a rain plan had been come up with the night before. While we sat at breakfast and the rain poured down, it was easy to make our decision. Scrap the golf and go bowling! The rain did end and we successfully were able to get in our annual stop at The Terry Fox monument- our hero.

Camp Quality Heroes and Princesses

As I have mentioned in previous Blogs, we are fortunate to receive free bus transportation from First Student Canada and here are Judy and Edith, our friendly bus drivers.

Camp Quality
Camp Quality can’t get everyone around without their dedicated bus drivers

Galaxy Lanes was our next place to play and we enjoyed a delicious lunch there. There is no stopping this group and their enthusiasm.

Camp Quality Bowling
Hair-flying Bowling

Then it was off to the Canada Games Complex. There was some serious swimming going on. During camp week for several years Dave Repay has been with us film making and there is always a CQ news segment produced. This year his assistant Manda is volunteering at camp Here is Manda and Connor in action.

Camp Quality News
CQ News on the scene

After an ice cream at McDonalds we were bused back to camp, which now feels like home. Everyone got quickly back to their unfinished projects and feeling refreshed ready for a delicious supper and fun evening. Some industrious gentlemen decided it was time to crush the cans

Camp Quality
The Can Crushers

Today we were joined by Sissi Makris , the executive assistant at Camp Quality Canada

She fit like a glove and made quick friends with Claudia, who gave her a tour. Thanks Sissi for being such a great judge at the fashion show!

Camp Quality
Sissi fit in the camp like a friend just found

The CQ fashion show is a highlight and you can see why….look at all the princesses…

Camp Quality Princess
Camp Quality Princess

Camp Quality Princess

Camp Quality Princess

We have one more princess to mention that hasn’t been at camp for a few years as she had moved to Toronto. Unfortunately Kassi’s cancer had very recently returned and it was great sadness that we learned the following tonight. (As written by Ashleigh Quarrell.)

“Remembering our dear friend Kassi who passed away earlier this evening. We love you dearly and will miss your smile, your stories, and your beautiful voice! You are now flying with the rest of our Camp Quality Angels. Purple nails for our Princess!!!

Camp Quality
A tribute to Kassi!

Our deepest sympathy to Kassi’s family.


Camp Quality Northwest Blog

This is the second year that has hosted the Camp Quality Northwest blog. We are pleased to support the work of Clara, the work of Camp Quality, and the ongoing battle to beat cancer. On a personal note, cancer has taken both of my grandparents, it tried to take my mom. There are few people in Northwestern Ontario who are not impacted by cancer. When cancer takes on children, it is time for us all to rally to help them.
Camp Quality will be connected this year by Tbaytel with Internet from East Loon Lake at the Thunder Bay United Church Camp Duncan.
Tbaytel Network

Find out more: Camp Quality

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