I Learned to Walk Today …

Sandi Bouchard

Sandi THUNDER BAY – Editorial – Today’s entry – taken from the pages of “Her Mother’s Daughter” (July 2nd entry).  The entry called to me.  I can only assume you needed to read it as much as I did.  Enjoy.

I Learned to Walk Today …

I had so wanted to go for my walk today.  I needed it but I had a meeting to attend, so I stowed away the disappointment I felt and off I went.  But the meeting was cancelled and suddenly my walk was more than possible.

Car parked.  Keys affixed to belt.  Blackberry left behind, I set out to enjoy this gift. I was happy.  My heart filled with childlike glee.

I don’t know when or why, but not long into my walk, the teaching came to me. “Walk softly on Mother Earth.”  Now, for information sake, I have long been a “heel walker” but as the teaching came to me, a memory from my childhood flashed before me.  I could see my Mom smiling, laughing as she teased my brother for sneaking up on her yet again.  “You walk like such an INDIAN!” she giggled. Nothing derogatory, more fact or perhaps even … pride?

I have heard that our ancestors walked on the pads of their feet silently, so as to catch their prey off guard, a feat that allowed them to feed their families so I decided to try it.  Awkward at first, but quickly amusing and for the record, for those that have never tried it, it is like walking on something hot, or fragile, or … sacred.

I soon learned that awareness of my step lead to awareness of everything.  I felt the wind as it caused my hair to dance, as it cooled the skin on my arms.  I saw the patterns in the grass, in the waves, and amongst the clouds caused by the gusts of wind.  I was awake, alive, aware, and it was exhilarating.

And the final realization, the fact that walking with awareness, with respect, with appreciation for that around and under me did not take even one minute longer. My journey took the same amount of time as it would have if I had been lost in my head, slamming my heel into Mother Earth.

No, walking softly on Mother Earth didn’t cost me a thing, yet taught me so very much.  I learned to walk today.  I won’t soon forget.

I love you!


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Sandi Boucher
Sandi Boucher is a published author and motivation speaker, born and raised in a small Northern Ontario town. A proud member of the Seine River First Nation, Sandi is introducing the world to the Ojibwe teachings of her Mother, using these ageless lessons to show others how to find and enjoy their own strengths and gifts.