HIGH RIVER – The RCMP, continue to work throughout the morning of Saturday, June 22, 2013, responding to the floods throughout Southern Alberta. Approximately 200 additional RCMP personnel have been deployed from other parts of Alberta to assist with evacuation, rescue, traffic safety and security operations with the communities of High River, Bragg Creek, Canmore, Banff and Turner Valley.
Through the course of the rescue and evacuation efforts that took place on Friday in the High River area, the RCMP estimate that approximately 800 people were evacuated by helicopter along with 100-200 people rescued by various water craft.
Southern Alberta Flood – Three Deaths
The RCMP confirm that there now have been three deaths associated to the flood. Two deceased individuals, a male and female, were located and recoverd from the Highwood River Friday. A third individual, a 35 year old female, initially reported to be missing, has been located and recovered from the Highwood River. At this time, the RCMP will not be releasing the names of the deceased.
Friday, there were unconfirmed reports of a deceased individual seen in the Highwood River near the Highwood Bridge; efforts will be undertaken today to reach this location and confirm this report. The Highwood River remains very fast and dangerous and commanders on the ground in High River will evaluate the risk to first responders as they continue to work in this situation.
The RCMP will continue their door to door checks of residences throughout the community of High River. This work is being done in conjunction with other provincial government agencies and utilities companies to ensure the safety of the citizens.
RCMP wish to remind the public that the situation in and around rivers and streams in Southern Alberta remain dangerous and that everyone is asked to stay away from the affected areas.
The M.D. of Foothills have opened another center at the Heritage Heights School located at 32156, Highway 552 East. The school is east of the Okotoks overpass. M.D. of Foothills Public Information Officer Darlene Roblin says, “People should contact the individual reception centers to locate evacuees.” Evacuees can visit or call one of four reception centers:
Black Diamond – Oilfields Arena (403-933-5273)
Okotoks – Recreation Center (403-995-2785)
Okotoks – Heritage Heights School (403-336-1000)
Nanton – Recreation Center (403-646-2961)