Your input matters to me – Sarah Campbell MPP

Sarah Campbell MPP Ontario Federation of Labour NDP Nomincation Kathleen Wynne Ontario Politics

Sarah Campbell MPPQUEENS PARK – Every week I do my best to keep you informed about what is happening in Queen’s Park. In doing so I try to touch on the important issues that have come up during the previous week, while also taking time to highlight important programs or services that may interest you.

My goal in preparing these columns is to keep you up-to-date with what is going on in provincial politics, because I believe very strongly that you have a right to know what issues I am raising on your behalf and, also, to have your questions answered.
The weekly column is a great communications tool and I am very thankful to the newspapers and websites that provide the space that allow me to keep you current. By speaking with you at various events across the riding, I know that these columns are an effective tool to let you know what is going on at Queen’s Park and I’d even go as far as saying hearing “I read your columns every week,” is the most common comment I hear from people.
While I enjoy hearing that you enjoy reading the column on the weekly basis, I also enjoy hearing your suggestions for topics that you would like discussed. These suggestions and comments are very helpful and allow me to make informed decisions about the type of topics that you want to hear about.
Past columns on our budget proposals for better home care, the Family Responsibility Office, the Metrolinx tax proposals and gas prices are some examples of the many topics I have discussed that were based on reader suggestions and I am thankful to those who took the time to suggest them.
As I have often said it’s impossible for MPPs such as myself to know what everyone is thinking or wants to know – despite our best attempts – and that is why it is important, if you have a question or comment, to speak up.
Each week before I write my column I ask myself a number of questions including what that week’s pressing issue is, what topics do I think you would like to hear about, and what programs and services it might be useful to highlight for your benefit. By submitting your feedback, you make that question a lot easier to answer. 
If there’s a topic that you think “I wish she would write a column on that,” take a moment to let me know because if you’re feeling that way there’s a good chance others are too.
Your feedback can be sent by mail or email to one of my community offices, by phone at 1-800-465-8501, or, if you’re more technologically inclined, on Twitter at or Facebook at
Your input matters to me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Sarah Campbell MPP
Sarah Campbell MPP
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Sarah Campbell MPP
Sarah Campbell is a Canadian politician, who was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in the 2011 election. She represents the electoral district of Kenora—Rainy River as a member of the Ontario New Democratic Party caucus