THUNDER BAY – “He who controls the seeds controls the food. It is like Dune,” states Cara McMaster. The Registered Holistic Health Practitioner is joined by a growing group of protestors who are expressing their concenrs today on Memorial Drive outside of the Urban Boutique right across the busy roadway from Intercity Mall.
Anti Monsanto marches, teach ins and protest rallies against seed giant Monsanto were held across the globe Saturday.
“March Against Monsanto” protesters say they are calling attention to dangers created by genetically modified food and the giant multinational food giant companies that produce it. Events are planned for more than two hundred and fifty cities around the world.
World Wide Monsanto Protests
The protestors are making their voices heard against Monsanto and the impact on our food. “It is wrong that a handful of companies control all the seeds that grow the food we all need,” states McMaster.
Monsanto Protest Hits Thunder Bay

The protest is a part of a world-wide effort today against Monsanto and genetically modified foods.

For more information you can visit the Facebook Page for the Monsanto Rally.