Georjann Morriseau – Nominated in Fort William First Nation

Georjann Morriseau

Georjann Morriseau Fort William First NationFORT WILLIAM FIRST NATION – I was recently nominated for Chief in the upcoming 2013 elections for Fort William First Nation.  Although a great honour and privilege, I feel I need to introduce myself to those who do not know me as well. 

Georjann Morriseau – Nominated in Fort William First Nation

Coming from a community of approximately 2000 members I have never forgotten what I was taught growing up; believe in yourself, stay true to your roots and values. 

I was raised by my Grandmother and the teachings she has given me have lead me down this path. Staying true to my convictions, living a healthy lifestyle, all while raising a young family of 3 boys has provided me with strength as a woman, mother and leader.

My drive has come from many strong people in my life, and I am grateful for all the support I have received.  I feel it is important to give back to our community, whether be through volunteering, charitable work or any other means that are available. 

I have had many opportunities, from being appointed as a Director for the Ontario Trillium Foundation, to working with First Nations at the regional level to help build on community governance; strengthening foundations which are vital to achieve collective visions and long term sustainability. 

[sws_pullquote_right]We need to be focused on building a community that lasts, a community that lifts up all our members. Communities that work, take work. [/sws_pullquote_right]

We need to be focused on building a community that lasts, a community that lifts up all our members.

Communities that work, take work.

All the things that make us love where we live. Things we have and hold in common: our culture, employment, decent housing, education, family, economic development, and most of all our Elders and youth.

A system that addresses all aspects of our well-being. A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the community, not as it is, but as it should be.

We need to strive to build a society in which every one of our members can reach their full potential. Such progress is judged by how the community cares for and supports one another.

That means protecting the vulnerable and ensuring that every member has access to high quality social programs. That also means working to keep our community secure, to ensure our children grow up in a world of mutual respect and safe surroundings.

A strong community means creating opportunities for our youth. They are an integral part of our future, as they are our emerging leaders and will be the success of tomorrow. 

I also believe in the ongoing need to strengthen our identity. Language and culture enrich individual lives and community identities. It helps tell the stories that place us in our community and throughout our traditional lands.

Support for Elders, Women and traditional people ensure that the story of Fort William First Nation gets told, at home and around the region, passing the legacy down to the youth for them to carry on in a meaningful way.

Our history and culture make an immense, often under-appreciated contribution to our economy and employment. That’s why we need to be committed to supporting and empowering our Elders, Women and Youth. And the stories they produce improves the quality of life for all of us who seek the nourishment that culture and the history can provide.

This election is the start of a new beginning, a forward process that has the wheels in motion. We need to continue pushing the limits of change, invigorated people make this happen. Let’s help one another make this difference.

Georjann Morriseau extends the invitation to all candidates seeking office in Fort William First Nation, as well as in other First Nations in Northern Ontario to share their message with our readers. Send your column to


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