Beautiful Razor is the third poetry book by Al Hunter


Beautiful RazorTHUNDER BAY – Arts – Beautiful Razor is the third poetry book written byAl Hunter, the former Rainy River First Nations Chief. In Beautiful Razor, Hunter explores the span between the sensual and the profane; the distance of which can sometimes be vast or on the razor’s edge.

Beautiful Razor

Rainy River First Nations author, Al Hunter will be sharing the release of his newest book of poetry, Beautiful Razor: love poems and other lies.

Along with musician JC Wilkinson in Thunder Bay at Chapters Saturday March 9th starting at 2PM.

[sws_pullquote_right]“What lies here are the vagaries of a heart wounded, shattered, and redeemed by love. Such generosity of spirit deserves acclaim. A bravura work.” – Richard Wagamese, author of Indian Horse [/sws_pullquote_right] 

Hunter will share a reading from his book, followed by a book signing and reception. Guests will have an opportunity to meet the Hunter.

In addition to being an accomplished Anishinaabe writer, teacher and spoken word performer, Al Hunter has gained recognition for his environmental and educational work.

During the summer of 2000, Hunter and others led “A Walk to Remember”; walking for 1200 miles around Lake Superior “to bring forth community visions of protecting the air, land and water for the Seven Generations yet to come.”

Hunter’s work appeared most recently in This is an Honour Song: Twenty Years Since the Blockades; W’daub Awe: Speaking True; and McGraw-Hill Ryerson’s iLit: Stories of Struggle and Strength from First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples in Canada. Hunter is the author of three books of poetry including Spirit Horses, The Recklessness of Love and Beautiful Razor: love poems & other lies.

All are published by Kegedonce Press. The Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts have helped support the work by Hunter and other artists.

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