OTTAWA – Updated – Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Raymond Robinson are ending their hunger strikes. Chief Theresa Spence’s Official Spokesperson Danny Metatawabin has confirmed this afternoon that Chief Theresa Spence and Elder Raymond Robinson have agreed to end their hunger strikes based on the commitments outlined and endorsed in a Declaration of Commitment supported by the Assembly of First Nations National Executive Committee, Native Women’s Association of Canada, NDP National Caucus and Liberal Party of Canada Parliamentary Caucus.
Supporter and helper Apischi Kihiwikwan Iskwew shares, “They have endorsed to carry on the work she has started. It is a bittersweet ending to her hunger strike – which will end tonight. 44 days without food is a long time. Our Ogitchita Kwe gets to go home now to continue her journey in the physical world. Today, I am sad, but very relieved she will walk out of here alive”.
Chief Theresa Spence Supported by Manitoba Chiefs
The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO) and the Southern Chiefs Organization (SCO) concluded their two-day Assembly today by supporting the Declaration of Commitment released by Chief Theresa Spence and Raymond Robinson. The Chiefs in Manitoba and visiting Chiefs from across the country at this Special Joint Treaty and Dakota Chiefs Gathering commend Chief Spence and Raymond Robinson for bringing global awareness of the issues impacting Indigenous people across the country and to the fact that the sovereign Nation-Crown Relationship is severely impaired by the Government of Canada.
Chief Spence is a brave warrior and we commend her foresight and commitment to propel the First Nations agenda to the forefront which governments have dismally failed to do since confederation. The Chiefs in Manitoba agree to continue the fight that will bring expedient fundamental change.
The Chiefs wish to thank the families and loved ones of Chief Theresa Spence, Raymond Robinson, Jean Sock and all the fasters that supported her efforts.
Charlie Angus Headed to Ottawa
Charlie Angus, the MP for Timmins James Bay reports, “I’m flying to Ottawa tonight and will meet up with MP Romeo Saganash for the signing of an agreement to end the hunger strike. Hopefully this statement of principles will provide some unity and a direction forward in dealing with longstanding First Nation issues. We are signing the agreement tomorrow morning”.
Sources comment that Bob Rae, the Liberal leader was instrumental in reaching this stage in the discussion.
Assembly of First Nations – January 16 2013 Declaration by James Murray