Idle No More – I hear many people talk about Treaty, far too many of us do


Idle-No-MorePRINCE ALBERT SK – Guest Editorial – I hear many people talk about Treaty, far too many of us do. There is a difference between talking Treaty and LIVING Treaty in the spirit and intent that it was meant to be. Nations have laws, laws that are unwritten in the European writing are called customary laws. Indigenous nehiyaw laws are “written” in the landscapes of the hills, the rocks, the waters, everything in the land tell of our history and our laws. All laws that guide creation and humanity are called manitow wiyinkewna (creators laws). manitow wiyinkewna have the earth laws, animal laws, spiritual laws and human laws; the human laws are the ones that specifically apply to us…of course. These humans laws are called nehiyaw weyeswewna (cree laws), these were given to humans to follow for all time. To follow these laws means to follow a sacred life inextricably connected to the earth: one without the other would die.

To live Treaty is live those manitow wiyinkewna and nehiyaw

Weyeswewna to the best of your abilities every day. Let us all live Treaty as go about defending the lands and waters just as we have always done since time immemorial. We shall do this even for our mooniyaw relatives who do not understand that we are likely the “last stand” before the Conservative Government destroys the lands and waters.
We’ll do this because it is the love of all children that drives this movement….some of our settler allies get the picture, in time all of us will.

I’m going to Saskatoon to support a group of courageous students who will be fasting in solidarity for Chief Spence. Maybe I’ll stop in North Battleford to share in the pipe ceremony. I don’t have a dress to wear but that’s ok, I know my people will not turn me away because we are not like that, we accept sometimes its ok.

Say prayers for Chief Spence, for the young people, for the lands and waters.. hiy hiy.

Sylvia McAdam Saysewahum

The author is one of the founders of the Idle No More grassroots movement. offers guest editorials to individuals with a variety of views from across the region, across Canada and around the world. If you would like to share a guest editorial, or contribute to the commentary, email NNL also accepts ‘Readers Ledger’ submissions from our readers as well.

The Idle No More logo was designed by artist Aaron Paquette who has also been a contributor on
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