THUNDER BAY – The Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF) are threatening strike action. What that means for students and parents could be part of the OSSTF’s Bargaining Bulletin issued in October.
Under that document, the OSSTF outlines what teachers in impacted bargaining units will do. It is not from the document from the OSSTF calling for a walkout by teachers out of the classrooms.
Strike action for bargaining units in a legal strike position will commence on November 7, 2012. Your Bargaining Unit President will inform you when strike action in your specific bargaining unit will begin.
The following list of sanctions applies to all Teacher and Occasional Teacher Bargaining Unit members.
Occasional teacher members:
- will follow this list of sanctions whether employed on a daily basis, or in an LTO.
Daily occasional teachers:
- will follow the timetable of the teacher who they are replacing
- will not undertake any additional duties including on call/supervision/additional period of teaching unless their current Collective Agreement provides pay for the additional assignment.
Adult day school teachers working in continuing education credit programs will follow this list of strike rules.
Adult day school teachers:
- will only attend at staff, department or professional development meetings/events if their current collective agreement provides they be paid to do so.
Teachers and occasional teachers in a legal strike position WILL NOT:
- attend staff meetings
- organize/attend department meetings
- attend Dept. Head Meetings (Dept Heads)
- attend central (board) committee meetings/councils
- conduct co-op visits outside of regular school day hours
Professional development
- attend any Professional Development (PD time offered during school hours will be self-directed PD only)
- create professional development seminars or present at professional development seminars unless it is a part of the teachers’ duties in their role as a coordinator
- attend Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- complete Annual Learning Plans
Ministry initiatives
- participate in Framework visits
- participate in any aspect of School Improvement Plans
- complete Ministry reports
- participate in any activities associated with EQAO/OSSLT including administration of the tests
Administrative assistance
- assist with maintenance of school/work-related websites
- distribute Board materials/communications to students On-call coverage/supervision
- ‘provide coverage for absent administrators • provide on call coverage for absent colleagues
- accept any assignment to supervision in addition to regular classroom duties or in addition to the ongoing, unassigned supervision of student behaviour in hallways, etc., that is performed as a part of a teachers’ professional responsibility
- accept acting VP assignments
- attend Open House/Information Sessions outside of regular school day
- answer parental e-mails outside of the regular school day
- participate in parent interviews outside of the regular school day
- provide progress reports (written reports beyond those provided at mid-term and end of term)
To be determined by local bargaining units:
Administrative assistance
- will not submit student attendance
- will not assist with administrative tasks during homeroom
- will not distribute course selection materials/option sheets
- will not participate in curriculum/course writing
- will not collect textbooks at the end of the semester/school year
- will not participate in end-of-year school closing activities
- will not upload marks or comments to Trillium
Members will continue to:
- provide instruction to students
- engage in course preparation and marking
Members may continue to:
- act as an associate teacher/accept teacher candidates
- provide extra help to students