THUNDER BAY – Editorial – Do you want a sign that it is nearing the time that school will start? One sign is the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition. Another is word from Kevin at Belluz Farms that the ‘cooler evenings are slowing the ripening of corn’.
Cooler nights, new school safety zones, signs summer is starting to wind down.
Another move is that across the city, new signs for school safety zones are going up. In fact for this school year, there will be a new school safety zone along Edward Street South at the Dennis Franklin Cromarty School.
Back in the spring, City Council tasked City Administration to examine this issue and get it done. Those signs went up on Thursday.
It might seem like a small thing, but for the several hundred students at Dennis Franklin Cromarty School, who come to Thunder Bay from their northern communities, it is a positive move. Many of the grade nine students coming to Thunder Bay are from small communities without the busy streets we, in our city take for granted.
There are several students from DFC who are working on an orientation program for the students as they return to school this fall. Students will start arriving in Thunder Bay in late August.
In ensuring that the school safety zone signs are now up at Dennis Franklin Cromarty School, the former Northwood High School, Council and our city are sending a message to the hundreds of students who already have a major transition to overcome in leaving their homes, families, and communities behind to get a high school education that they are welcome.
It is a very positive move and one that puts deeds to the words of the ‘Respect’ campaign that Thunder Bay has embraced.
James Murray