Interview with Pam Palmater – Candidate for AFN Nationa Chief


Pam Palmater

THUNDER BAY – Pam Palmater is a Mi’kmaq lawyer running for National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. She is from the Eel River Bar First Nation in New Brunswick. Here are the highlights of her interview:


Pam Palmater has a Doctor of Laws (in addition to a law degree and Masters) and teaches at Ryerson University. She is a renowned author, blogger and public commentator. Her work on membership in Indigenous Nations (enfranchisement, rights of non-status, Bill C-31 etc…) and opposition to conversion of reserve land into fee simple holdings (basically preivatizing reserves) has garnered her the most recognition. She has been a vocal critic of the AFN under Shawn Atleo.

The main points from Pam’s interview:

  • She sees her role as National Chief as advocate on behalf of First Nations people;
  • She wants to declare a state of emergency for some community’s crises on housing and water etc…;
  • She wants to stand up to what she calls a “Bully government”;
  • She asks “What do we have to lose by standing up?”
  • She wants to make the AFN politically and economically independent.

In the full interview she reveals how she went from single mom on social assistance to Doctor of Laws. In the full interview she tells how she feels after being given a pipe by Manitoba elders.

Here’s the complete interview:


Earlier interviews:

Wab Kinew

Wab Kinew (pron: WOB ka-NOO) is a one-of-a-kind talent, named by Postmedia News as one of “9 Aboriginal movers and shakers you should know”. He hosted the acclaimed CBC Television series “8th Fire”. His hip-hop has won an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award. His journalism has won an Adrienne Clarkson RTNDA Award, a Gabriel Award and been nominated for a Gemini Award. He has a BA in Economics and is a member of the Midewin.

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