THUNDER BAY – June 19 2012 08:00EDT – The size of the weather system tracking toward the Thunder Bay region has prompted Environment Canada to issue a special weather statement for the region.
Special weather statement for: City of Thunder Bay; Atikokan – Upsala – Quetico; Superior West; Lake Nipigon – Wabakimi; Nipigon – Marathon – Superior North.
To the west and north of Lake Superior, including the Thunder Bay, Atikokan, Marathon and Lake Nipigon areas. Multiple thunderstorms are forecast to track through this area beginning later today and continue through the night into Wednesday. Rainfall associated with this thunderstorm activity will be highly variable, however total amounts may be as high as 50 to 75 mm in some localities.
The storm system has the City of Thunder Bay on Alert. The Lakehead Regional Conservation Authority has declared a Flood Watch.
Considerable uncertainty still exists regarding the precise areas where the thunderstorms and heavier rainfall will develop.
Rainfall warnings may be issued accordingly later today.
In this image from Weatherunderground, the size of the storm system tracking north-easterly can be seen: