THUNDER BAY – Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) are advising residents of the Silver Falls Road area on the Upper Kaministiquia River that due to continuously rising water levels on Dog Lake and the potential for rain this weekend, more water will be released from the Dog Lake Dam and Silver Falls Generating Station at the south end of Dog Lake.
By mid-morning Saturday, water levels will be increasing in the Upper Kaministiquia River and may approach levels similar to those experienced in 2008.
Silver Falls Road is closed to through traffic (with the exception of Silver Falls Road residents) from Ellis Road to Shields Road. Additional water over the road is anticipated in the next 24 to 48 hours and there is the potential for further road closures into the weekend. This additional water may isolate residents along Silver Falls Road and Forbes River Road. Residents should be prepared as these conditions may last several days.
OPG’s dams and stations on the Kaministiquia River Watershed are in a safe condition. OPG is continuing to adjust flows to control the increasing water levels on Dog Lake. This will result in increased flows in the Kaministiquia River.
Water flows and levels can become dangerous very quickly and without notice, particularly during periods of significant rainfall. People should stay clear of waterways during this period. The agencies will continue to work together to monitor the situation. Updates will be issued as warranted.
Affected residents can contact the Ministry of Natural Resources at 807-630-4913 for additional information.
Members of the public are reminded to call 911 in the case of an emergency or 1-888-310-1122. For information on updated road conditions, call 511.