Mike O’Neill shares latest from MMA Fight Scene


caveman bullyTHUNDER BAY – Mike O’Neill is a local professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter who trains and fights out of Thunder Bay.

NetNewsledger got the chance to sit down with Mike this week and get an update on his latest match in Calgary.

NNL: Here with local Thunder Bay professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter Mike O’Neill.

You recently just got back from Calgary after fighting for Hard Knocks fighting FC, How was the experience?

Mike: I loved it it was a nice change from doing most of my fights in Winnipeg.

NNL: Who did you fight?

Mike: I fought Jesse Arnett a three-time national Canadian wrestling champion with a professional MMA record of 1-1-0.

NNL: How did you win the fight?

Mike: Well I knew he was a really good wrestler, so I expected to get taken down at some point. I had worked alot of my guard game, and wasn’t worried about being taken down so I came out and landed a hard inside leg kick which dropped him to the floor. Then when he jumped back to his feet I landed a horrific head kick which broke the guys nose and orbital bone. He bled a lot it, was a ugly injury.

I then pounced on him and choked him out for the win.

NNL: Wow sounds like a great win for you and local MMA.

Mike: Yeah it went really well for me and I won it all in just 22 seconds, just a blur for me.

NNL: I can imagine so whats your plan now?

Mike: I’m going to relax eat some persians from my aunt’s bakery (Current River Bakery) and relax, but for sure getting back into training back at Crossfit 807 and at fight centre / progressive martial arts and improve for the next one.

NNL: Whens the next one?

Mike: Not sure thinking September ether for Hard Knocks in Calgary again or RITC in Leithbridge. For RITC but just wait and see I guess.

NNL: Well thank you for the time really appreciate it.

Mike: No prob anytime!

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