PEOPLE of THUNDER BAY LISTEN UP… Other people in this city need our help, they need food, bottled water, any supplies! My daughter, and my friend Sherri Niittynen and myself made sandwiches, brought fruits, and bottled water to help, its one way we knew we could help. If you have clothes, food, a place to stay even, please step up.. we are all human, offer a hand.
We have met so many nice people today who are down on their luck and were so happy to have a simple bottle of water offered to them. Makes your heart feel so good to know you can help in some way.. even if its just by donating some food and supplies.
I ask you, put yourself in these peoples shoes, I bet you wish someone would help you, if you can’t donate food, water or lend a hand.. simply do this one thing… STOP USING EXCESS WATER, every drop of water we use goes into the sewer system, it basically pushes all the excess water into peoples homes… raw sewage is floating in many peoples basements….. these people have children who have lost clothes, toys and their beds.
Please have a heart, do whatever you can, whether you know these people or not, it is a great thing to help someone who truly needs it, and for the most part, hasn’t asked for help themselves!!
Kim Berly