THUNDER BAY – Readers Ledger – What some of the critics of the multiplex proposal keep forgetting in all this is the money pit that the Fort William Gardens has been to local taxpayers over the past 30 years or so and how much money has been pretty much wasted in order to try and keep that facility operational and from literally falling apart.
A fraction of what has gone into keeping that facility up and running would easily finance the city’s share of the cost of the multiplex.
With that in mind – and keep in mind that if the city does not build a multiplex that it will likely have no choice but to keep putting money into the FW Gardens money pit – it seems to me and many others that a replacement for the Gardens makes sense and would save us a LOT of money in the long run.
And long term planning always makes more sense than short term planning with things of this nature.
We have to look at this issue from the perspective of the long term gains to the community and the many benefits that would go hand in hand with having a proper venue in place of the aging Gardens.
Too many people don’t see the point of investing in the future nor do they seem to see the wisdom of this choice. That is a shame.
They remind me of the under-achievers we all know who are content with any crap life deals them.
The pizza order was messed up? Gee, don’t complain about it and demand what you paid for. You got short changed a few dollars when you bought your groceries? Cop attitude and grumble about it to your friends but don’t under any circumstances go back to the store and tell them what they did. That carton of orange juice you bought – someone opened it in the store and drank half of it – better to just drink what’s left than to go back to the store and complain and get a refund or exchange for a full carton of orange juice. The politician you voted for stabbed you in the back – oh well – $hit happens!
Same people. Same mindset in life. Why settle for making something of this city when you can have mediocrity and sustained oblivion status in the world. Only making the news for your crime stats, unemployment, mill closures, and total lack of forward thinking rather than for your innovation, tourism, and other drawing points.
People need to get over this idea that they don’t deserve nice things and this communal unworthiness mindset that seems to be out there and start to take some pride in this city and stop spray painting it up, vandalizing it, and attacking the idea of building an events centre that meets minimum requirements for major and moderate events these days.
Eddie Doran