Sun News Channel Misses Opportunity to Shine


ThinkTHUNDER BAY – Editorial – Member of Parliament Justin Trudeau demonstrated skill with the gloves last night in a boxing match against Conservative Sen. Patrick Brazeau. The Papineau MP was an underdog going into the fight, with most people expecting that the entire effort was a chance for people to watch a man many see as a future leader of the Liberal Party take a beating. During the fundraiser, as both combatants stated, there were no losers as almost $230,000 was raised to help fight cancer.

However if there was a potential loser last night it likely was the Sun News Channel. Saturday night, Sun News had an opportunity to showcase the new network to a large and likely new viewing audience. The over the top commentary by hosts Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley slamming every possible Liberal or slightly left of centre idea went on all night. Chances are those who tuned in for the first time didn’t take too long before shutting down the sound as they awaited the start of the boxing match.

The opportunity to present some balance to their coverage and to bring in new viewers was ignored as much as the real opportunity to demonstrate how a privately held media news network in Canada was a real alternative to the ‘state-owned CBC’ as often maligned on Sun News Channel.

The Sun could have chosen to rise to the occasion, like Justin Trudeau did on Saturday night, and effectively flatten his opponent. Instead with an almost gleeful zest, the network chose to present what I felt was a cavalcade of skits slamming climate change, earth hour, education policy and almost everything else under the sun, if you will excuse the expression.

The Sun could have chosen to help boost the donations to the charity that the boxing matches on Saturday night were raising money to fight cancer.

Instead, the commentary was all about fighting the actions of the former Liberal government made in the past. If one didn’t know better one might be left with the impression that the conservative side of the political spectrum is terrified of a possible Liberal comeback. In broadcasting the event on Saturday night, the goal it appears was to witness Justin Trudeau getting beat up.

The class of the two combatants in the ring far exceeded that of the Sun News Channel and their two hosts on Saturday night.

James Murray
Chief Content Officer

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James Murray or NNL offers news, information, opinions and positive ideas for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northwestern Ontario and the world. NNL covers a large region of Ontario, but are also widely read around the country and the world. To reach us by email: Reach the Newsroom: (807) 355-1862