As we very quickly watch 2011 come to an end – SHIFT Network


Shift NetworkTHUNDER BAY – Editorial – As we very quickly watch 2011 come to an end, I have spent the past couple of days looking back at the amazing year SHIFT has had. Exciting and impressive are two words that I would use to describe SHIFT’s year overall. We have seen SHIFT grow in a number of different ways including a substantial increase in our membership, an increase in our community profile and reputation, and an increase in our overall involvement in the community.

SHIFT has worked towards strengthening existing community relationships with organizations such as the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce and The City of Thunder Bay. In addition to these strong community relationships, SHIFT has created some new relationships with some other great community organizations such as Ambassadors Northwest, Confederation College, PARO, and The United Way of Thunder Bay’s GenNext Committee.

The Event Schedule for 2011 was packed full of networking, fun, and learning opportunities, which resulted in record turn outs! Here is just a snap shot of what 2011 looked like for SHIFT:
• Launched the 1st Annual SHIFT Golf Tournament
• Launched the 1St Northern Ontario Visionary Awards in conjunction with the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce to recognize the top 20 under 40 in Northwestern Ontario to be held early in 2012.
• Held our 3rd Annual Wine Tasting Mixer,
• Co-Hosted the 2011 Annual Holiday Career Festival with Ambassadors Northwest,
• Held our 3rd Annual AGM & Speed Networking Event
• And much more!

The success of our events and everything that SHIFT accomplished is a direct result of the hard work of all of the SHIFT Board of Directors, Past Directors, SHIFT’s Intern, our great Committee Members, incredible sponsors, and mostly all of our SHIFTers! These community leaders put in countless hours to help make SHIFT and the City of Thunder Bay what it is today! It has been a pleasure working with all of you over the past 12 months and I look forward to working with all of you going forward.

Looking forward into 2012, SHIFT has been working hard to build upon the success of our existing Annual Events while also looking for new ways to engage our membership. The year will start off with a bang at the NOVA Awards on Jan 21st. Members are also going to hear about some great new initiatives including our new Mentorship Speaker Series, showcasing some very exceptional Local Talent! Keep your eyes posted on SHIFT’s Facebook site for updates on the 2012 schedule of events.

2012 is looking to be another banner year for SHIFT! On behalf of the Board of Directors, I invite you to attend the SHIFT events or get involved in some of the other great projects that we are working on! SHIFT is the voice representing the Young Professionals of Thunder Bay. Thought our efforts and the work of our Members, SHIFT is actively involved in creating change within our community. Thank you for your continued support of our great organization. Our growing membership of more than 750 SHIFTers has a strong voice in our community that is having significant impacts which is helping to create an even better Thunder Bay! If you are interested in getting more involved in SHIFT, please feel free to contact me directly at

Have a safe and Happy Holiday with all of your family and friends! Cheers to a great 2011 and what is no doubt going to be an amazing 2012.

Nathan Lawrence
SHIFT: Thunder Bay’s Young Professional Network President

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