You may notice that the Thunder Bay Police Service is also using a new Internet domain. Previously the Police Service was on the site. It now appears that the TBPS is in the process of setting up a new site which is specific to the police service.
The Community Services Branch advises that the email address is not to be used for crimes in progress, for that you are still to call 911. However if there are issues in your neighbourhood you can use the email contact to reach the police.
This new address is in addition to the confidential Crimestoppers service where you can report information on crimes. Visit to report information on criminal activity.
One of the keys for creating a safer community as demonstrated by Monday night’s awarding of the Mayor’s Community Safety & Crime Prevention Awards is that residents have to get involved in activities that help to reduce criminal activities in our neighbourhoods.
When the community and the Police are able to work together, the benefits to our community and our youth especially are very positive. It is though those efforts in co-operation that safer communities are made.
Since Thunder Bay’s new Chief of Police J. P. Lesveque was sworn in, there have been a number of steps taken to increase that level of community engagement. Many are being done rather quietly it seems, but it is obvious that the new Chief is working to effect change.
For more information on the Thunder Bay Police Service visit