THUNDER BAY – The City of Thunder Bay, with input from various departments/divisions, the Marina Advisory Committee and the Developers, has prepared a comprehensive Parking Management Study for Prince Arthur’s Landing (PAL) that will be presented as a first report to City Council on May 30.
Completed by the BA Group, the study evaluates the parking supply and demand at the waterfront and it provides the following conclusions and recommendations:
Total summer time (peak) demand for parking will range from 660 spaces to 770 spaces
A total of 905 regular spaces and 12 trailer spaces (an increase of 523 regular parking spaces) is recommended to support the proposed development
Specific special events may generate demand as high as 1070 during summer and can be addressed through ongoing parking management
The Pearl Street Parking lot is proposed to be expanded to meet the total estimated demand by increasing the 155 existing spaces to a total of 319 spaces and 12 trailer parking spaces
The proposed hotel with 150 guest rooms and 742 metres squared of meeting space will need additional dedicated parking
The hotel’s parking requirements can be met by dedicating the entire west parking lot (94 spaces adjacent to the condominiums and hotel) and 90 spaces in the proposed parking lot expansion at Pearl Street for the sole use of the mixed use development.
“It’s important to note that all dedicated parking spaces, including those spaces needed for the hotel, will be paid for by the Developer and not the City,” said City Manager Tim Commisso. “The City will also derive monthly parking revenue from the lease of those spaces, which is consistent with how the City manages dedicated parking spaces.”
Asked if that study should have already been done, Commiso commented, “Your question is valid and the answer is tied to the fact that the parking study is based on the most up to date details on the various uses (both public and private) that in turn drive the parking needs in Prince Arthurs Landing. For example, until we knew the final size of the hotel (#of rooms and mtg space) it was premature to undertake the parking study. This is not unusual in large mixed use development projects”
Prior to the development of the PAL Master Plan in 2007, there were approximately 382 regular parking spaces and 40 trailer parking spaces at the waterfront.
The report will be presented to Council for approval on June 20.