THUNDER BAY – Federal Conservative candidate Richard Harvey, who is running in the Thunder Bay Superior North Riding met with small business owners, and working families in Thunder Bay to discuss ways to create jobs and economic growth as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative Government plans for the next phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.
“The economy remains the number one priority of the Prime Minister and our Conservative Government,” said Harvey. “Our Government will continue to focus on creating jobs for workers, retirement savings for seniors, and the financial security of all Canadian families.”
“Launched in 2009, the Economic Action Plan has so far contributed to the creation of more than 440,000 new jobs since July 2009 and helped the country emerge from the global economic crisis faster and stronger than other major industrial countries around the world,” shared Harvey.
“It is clear that the Economic Action Plan is working,” continued Harvey. “It has created jobs and provided financial security to Canadian families through the worst global recession since the Second World War.”
Harvey states that “Prime Minister Harper’s Conservative Government will not jeopardize the fragile economic recovery by adopting the Ignatieff-NDP-Bloc Quebecois plan for higher taxes, increased spending, and more government waste”.
“The Ignatieff-led coalition will kill jobs, threaten growth and create economic instability and uncertainty for hard working Canadians and their families at the worst possible time,” commented Harvey. “Our Conservative Government is committed to protecting and sustaining Canada’s fragile economic recovery that provides the funding for Health Care Education, Social Programs and an improved Justice System.”
The unofficial campaign leading toward the next federal election remains busy in Thunder Bay Superior North. Liberal challenger Yves Fricot is busy door-knocking, and incumbent MP Bruce Hyer has invested time in meetings throughout the riding.
Over the coming weeks, Harvey will travel throughout the Thunder Bay Superior North riding, to listen to and seek the views of the constituents on the economy.
Harvey will be in Nipigon on Tuesday Feb. 1st, Terrace Bay and Marathon on Wed. Feb. 2nd and Geraldton and Long Lac on Thurs. Feb 3rd. Harvey will also be meeting with other Stakeholders and organisations throughout the coming weeks.
The action in the Conservative camp in Thunder Bay Superior North stands in sharp contrast to the Thunder Bay Rainy River Riding where Conservative challenger Maureen Comuzzi-Stedmann remains quiet.