“This is a sad time for Ontario…” – Randy Hillier


Dalton McGuintyQUEEN’S PARK – Progressive Conservative MPP Randy Hillier has a problem with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. “Ontario’s Ombudsman confirmed months of speculation regarding the actions of the McGuinty Government; their secret law for the G20 was premeditated, illegal, and unconstitutional,” charges Hillier. The MPP has continued to condemn the actions of this Government ever since the first evidence surfaced revealing this secret G20 wartime measures-like law.

“This is unquestionably a new low-point for Dalton McGuinty,” stated Hillier. “We have known for months that the actions that took place during the G20 Summit reeked of political corruption. But for this kind of information to come out from the Ombudsman report yesterday, it confirms that not even unconstitutional and illegal acts are beyond the depths this government will sink to.”

“The G20 Summit resulted in the largest mass arrest in Canadian history – over 1000 Canadian Citizens were detained. Yesterday’s report from the Ombudsman confirmed that the secret law the McGuinty Liberals passed to detain these individuals was not only unconstitutional and illegal, but perhaps even worse, it was premeditated. The report from the Ombudsman revealed that this Liberal government knew the outcry from the public would be so substantial if they caught wind of these measures prior to the G20 that they crafted a strategy that would ensure the public be kept in the dark for as long as possible”, stated Hillier.

“This is the worst and most blatant abuse of Canadian civil liberties in our history” claims Hillier. “This act of secrecy and the approval of a law that is so obviously unconstitutional demonstrate that this Government has put their security before our liberty. What is worse is that despite all this, Dalton McGuinty believes that neither himself nor the array of Cabinet Ministers, whom were not just aware but complicit in the approval of this law, be held accountable for their actions.”

“The Ombudsman has shown us that both McGuinty and his Cabinet Ministers were complicit in ensuring that the public not be made aware of the decisions they made as a government,” concluded Hillier. “This is a sad time for Ontario when the Province is being led by a Premier who is content with violating our civil rights.”

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James Murray
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