Wind Farm Deal Clears Hurdle


THUNDER BAY – City Council voted in favour of the Horizon Wind Inc. proposal last night over the facts presented by several deputations from residents, and the Nor’Wester Mountain Escarpment Protection Committee. Five members of Council, including Lynda Rydholm, Aldo Ruberto and Frank Pullia opposed the motion which will see the city lease land atop the Nor’Westers to Horizon.

Councillor Mark Bentz expressed concern over the locations of several of the turbines, which he stated would be very imposing on the escarpment.

Some of the Councillors who supported the lease, also suggested that the process should be on the plate of Bill Mauro and Michael Gravelle as the province has changed the rules on the project.

Iain Angus appealed to those opposed to the project to take their lobbying effort provincial as he stated, to save one seat in southern Ontario the province recently cancelled a controversial project. Angus voted for the agreement with Horizon.

Frank Pullia attempted to reason with Councillors that they needed more information and time before rushing into a decision.

That move was scoffed at by Andrew Foulds (Current River) who suggested that such a move was to “duck and cover”. Foulds decided that as he supports “Green Energy” that “this project is part of that package” and voted for it.

Councillor Ruberto was perhaps the most passionate imploring Councillors not to destroy something that is green and beautiful.

Mayor Peterson maintained her support for the project and voted for it.

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James Murray or NNL offers news, information, opinions and positive ideas for Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northwestern Ontario and the world. NNL covers a large region of Ontario, but are also widely read around the country and the world. To reach us by email: Reach the Newsroom: (807) 355-1862