Credit Is Financial Power! Alex Miller Talks About Utilizing Credit Tools Correctly To Build Your Credibility

Alex Miller
Credit Is Financial Power! Alex Miller Talks About Utilizing Credit Tools Correctly To Build Your Credibility

Alex Miller has earned credibility as a reliable credit score guru. He understands that money is a tool for leveling the playing field. And with the world running incessantly on the hamster wheel of innovation and novelty, it makes sense to take charge of your credit. Credit, perhaps, is the new word for money, and that has made it more a concept and less something you have or you don’t. Yet, many people fail to build their credit score credibility due to either lack of focus or information. In this article, Alex, founder of Alex Miller Credit Repair, hopes to empower them by telling them how to use the following credit tools correctly to build their credibility.

Tally | Helps you save on your existing credit card debt
Tally is a free tool that “analyzes all your app-linked credit cards. After thorough analyses, it creates what is called a Tally Line of Credit. The Tally Line helps you lower your interest rate on cards where it deems it fit to do so.”

Credit Karma | Helps you generate a holistic image of your credit
According to Alex, Credit Karma is easily the best tool available to help you get a bird’s eye view of your credit score. He says, “Credit Karma is everything you’d expect from a credit improving tool. For starters, it helps you understand where you are at in terms of your credit score. Think of it as a credit scanner. It helps you understand your position better and also monitors your credit so that you can always keep in step with the status of your credit.”

Self | Helps you build your credit from scratch
To use Self, “You need to start by creating a Credit Builder Account. It’s most suited for those who wish to build their credit from scratch. So, whether you are someone who is just entering the world of credit score and maintenance or someone who wants to restart after settling their past dues, Self is the perfect easy-to-use, go-to tool. For me, this is more of an initiation tool that offers the added incentive of building credit and saving money simultaneously.”

Alex, who taught himself the ropes of credit repair, has helped many people improve their credit score and thus create a positive credit history. By helping them take charge of their finances, Alex hopes to empower them as he empowered himself.

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