Meet Jason Halpern, Real Estate Development’s Leading Independent Entrepreneur

Jason Halpern
Jason Halpern

Despite modern infatuation with positive thinking- and by extension- the avoidance of difficult, stress-provoking situations- most of today’s business leaders have been hardened, refined, and even emboldened by failure.

At a certain point- if an entrepreneur is able to sustain them and persevere- these failures provide the exact parameters and thresholds that an entrepreneur needs to hit in order to make sure that they attain the conditions- the market share, customer acquisitions/sales success, etc.- to succeed.

A salient example of that can be found in New York’s leading independent real-estate development firm JMH Developments.

It’s principal Jason Halpern led the business- since inception in early 2000’s- towards projects that had a much higher barrier for entry than the typical independent real-estate development firm would take on.

Jason– however- saw that there enlisted the real opportunity. For if he was able to conceptualize and develop the right plan, he could enlist the backing of institutional investors in later stages after he had invested his own capital to initiate the deal. And it was through his previous failures and his commitment to learning all aspects the business, that he could establish a clear framework about what as needed to make sure that every aspect of his projects would be prepared for his success.

In other words, the pay off that came with the institutions closing on his projects would never have been possible without the learning experience provided by his failures.

Apart from his instrumental work at JMH rebuilding many of New York City’s historic landmarks, Jason has become a committed philanthropist as well as educator for his field.

There are very few proven independent real-estate developers who have repeatedly built and sold 100 million + properties. That is the equivalent of making it first round in the NBA draft.

Jason is committed to providing a sound and reliable pathway- through the dissemination of transparent information- for how today’s 1st round draft pick hopefuls in the real-estate development market can power themselves to their goals so that real-estate’s independent spirit can stay strong, even in a contemporary increasingly dominated by the titans.

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