Finding the right business mentoring in New York

Business in Thunder Bay

NEW YORK – There are few places in the world that manage to capture the business spirit and hustle of New York City. It is one of those cities that emanate a profound business vibe that seduces freelancers and would be entrepreneurs, making New York one of the best business startup hubs in the world.

New Yorks Collaborative working environments have become a much sought-after entity for those looking to make it in the Big Apple. The networking benefits, business advisory opportunities not to mention the cost sharing, make this a very appealing solution in New York’s notoriously expensive commercial real estate market.

But it’s not so easy for everyone. Some business owners or soon-to-be business owners are having a really difficult time really getting the hang of the hardships of starting out on their own. Luckily, there are programs that can help you find your way in the professional environment you want to be part of.

Business mentor NY

If you’re a small business owner and would like to get some invaluable pointers from top-notch business experts, this is a program that can help you tremendously. This is a program developed by the State of New York itself, and it has the objective of bringing together precisely the two categories of business invested individuals mentioned earlier.

Score NYC

This is also a service that works towards the improvement of small or starting businesses. It’s a free program and it’s great because it offers personalized support. This means that you can get advice and guidance that relates directly to what you have going on in your own camp, unlike trying to make a standard approach fit your specific context.


ERA stands for Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator and it is the largest mentoring network available for New York citizens. You won’t be able to find a bigger business accelerator than this in NYC, as it is the home of more than 300 experts on business and business-related issues. These experts hail from a variety of top-tier institutions ranging from Google and Facebook to American Express and Amazon.


This is a support program developed for the women entrepreneurs out there. With female business as its focus target, WE NYC has its plate full with more than 200,000 women entrepreneurs owning their own businesses. This is a good solution for those looking to support or to develop the set of skills necessary to successfully raise their business to the highest level.


This is the online version of the business support program. If you’re more comfortable doing things remotely or online, this might be the one for you. Everwise offers the necessary support and a competent platform with the goal of pairing local employees in need of guidance, with business mentors. Not only is it available online, but it also comes in a mobile form which is invaluable in a city like New York, where things never stop moving and an on-the-go solution really comes in handy.

Having a bit of support at the right time, in the right format can do amazing things for a business or just anyone that is looking for some guidance on how to navigate the business spectrum of NY. Having these options available is incredibly valuable as they put the necessary tools at the disposal of anyone in need of them.


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