THUNDER BAY – What are the priorities of Camp Quality? We believe in improving the quality of life for children living with cancer, and for their families. We want them to find joy and hope through the healing power of laughter and optimism, shared experiences and ongoing support.”
This daily blog is giving you insight into how we try to accomplish this.
Sunday , July 15, 2012: Today is the day! The volunteers are heading out to Camp Quality Northwestern Ontario located at Camp Duncan on Loon Lake to set up. The suitcases are being filled with the usual ‘stuff’. I know everyone is busy trying to add the ‘other’ necessities that they need.
The camp program theme is different every year and this year it is “Around the World” so we try to find our costume for each day. Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, and Europe. Oh my gosh, where is that cowboy hat, the kimono, the stuffed koala bear, not to mention the matador costume? I should have started months ago!
Of course camp isn’t all go, go, go. We do sleep for a few hours a night and every day we have ‘toes up time’ from 1:00pm- 2:00pm in our cabins. As much as the younger campers will protest, it is a necessity as the week progresses. There is a toes up time’ Rubbermaid container that has been lovingly prepared by Sylvie, our Craft shack lady, that has lots of possibilities. For the adults, It is a chance for us to actually read a book, solve the Rubik’s Cube, do the daily crossword and get caught up on some paperwork. All is still…. The calm before the busy afternoon begins. A chance for the cabin families to plan their pranks for later.
More on those pranks as the week progresses.
Many of us have priorities when it comes to packing . I bring along the painting that was made for me several years ago by camper, Krysta. It is taken from its spot in my office for the week and is displayed on the mantel at camp. For long time volunteers, it’s a decision on which t-shirts do I pack? We have 10 years of colours and a new one for this year.
Our 45 volunteers figured out their priorities this summer. Whether they are on holidays, time off, unpaid leave, whatever it takes they are on duty and the pets and garden are being taken care of by others.
One more thought on priorities… whatever we bring, or don’t bring, what really matters is being there.
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove … but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”

I have got to get busy packing!
For more information and to donate go to
2012 Camp Quality Blog:
- Camp Quality believes in improving the quality of life for children with cancer
- Camp Quality – The $50 hotdog demonstrates how much people care
Camp Quality will be connected this year by Tbaytel with Internet from East Loon Lake at the Thunder Bay United Church Camp Duncan.